Social Media Metrics to Track in 2018

Social Media Metrics to Track in 2018

Cakes look palatably delicious but do the chiffon and the filling inside taste heavenly as the almost perfect, flawless garnish on the outside? Sorry but, there’s no guarantee to that.

Like some prettyish cakes, the Facebook Like reaction button on Facebook is probably the most monitored by users, whether managing a personal account or running a business page. While other reaction buttons such as sad, haha, wow, love and angry get second attention along with the trailing comments. Twitter users, on the other hand, watch the number of retweets and followers they get. But do the number on social media platforms justify the success of your business? Let’s take some insights from experts.

Socialmediaexaminer lists some Social Media metrics to track for 2018:

Track your FOLLOWER growth

Here’s how to track a detailed analysis of your number of page likes:


  1. Go to your page
  2. Click the Insights tab
  3. Click Like in the left navigation


  1. Visit Twitter Analytics
  2. Click on your profile picture
  3. Choose Analytics from the drop-down menu

These will show total likes, gains, and losses in a certain period; also enable you to monitor audience reactions or determine which time periods best draw new followers.

Related: The Secret Ingredient in Turning Your Social Followers Into Qualified Leads

Identify Optimal Time Of Engagement

Here’s how to track the time when your audience is most likely to engage with your content.


  1. Insights page, click Posts in the left navigation
  2. Select When Your Fans Are Online
  3. Hover on the different days of the week


  1. Click Tweets tab at the top of the page

These will help you customize your strategy that will help you post content at the right time.

Related: Re-engage with Warm Prospects Who Have Gone Cold

Track Likes and Reactions to your Posts

Here’s how to track how your audience reacts to your posts and shares


  1. Go to the Insights page
  2. Click posts option in the left navigation
  3. Scroll down to All Posts Published
  4. Click on the right drop-down arrow to view Reactions, Comments, and Shares


  1. Click Tweets tab
  2. Scroll down to view your tweets
  3. Or Click Top Tweets to view most popular ones

These will determine whether your audience is interested in your published contents and what type of content should you share in the future

Related: Twitter Marketing Lessons for IT and Software Marketers

Delve Into Audience Demographics


  1. Access audience information in your Insights under People
  2. Click the You Fans section to see demographic data of your fan base


  1. Click Audiences to see a broad overview and specific demographic factors

Related: Eliminate Unwanted Business Data with Data Profiling Tools

Determine Reach


  1. Go to Insights tab
  2. Click the Reach option
  3. If you Scroll to the bottom of the page to find your total reach
  4. In the Top Post Reach graphic, click on any given day to view posts that contributed to that day’s post reach count.


  1. Click the Tweets tab to display Impressions column

Related: 6 Basic Tricks to Boost Organic Reach on Twitter

Review Replies and Comments

Here’s how to gauge how interesting or engaging your topics/ contents are


  1. Go to Insights tab
  2. Click the Posts option
  3. Scroll down to All Posts Published
  4. Click the right drop-down arrow to view Reactions, Comments, and Shares


  1. Click Tweets tab
  2. Choose either Tweets or Top Tweets
  3. Click on individual tweets to view engagement levels

These will also give you the data on which content is being shared

Track Referral Traffic

  1. Find referral traffic data in Google Analytics
  2. Click on the social top-level menu
  3. Click Overview or Network Referrals

Examine click rates

Facebook & Twitter

  1. Go to Posts in the Insights tab to find number of post clicks for each individual posts
  2. Go to Actions on Page
  3. See click counts for various elements

Likes, tweets and shares and all the other reactions are just like icing on a cake but what’s crucial is the demographic data of who are interested in your posts, how often your audience engage with your contents and the substantial feedback and information they share about your content. Despite its aesthetic look, the flavor, the filling, the texture and the taste of the whole cake itself is what matters.