9 Sales Tactics for Different B2B Buyer Roles

9 sales tactics for different B2B buyers roles

In B2B businesses like manufacturing and distribution, understanding the client journey as well as the journey of your internal team, is essential. One of the most prevalent personalities in the path of digital commerce is the buyer. His main responsibility is to make the purchases that have been assigned to him or for which he is accountable. It is common for businesses to have multiple buyers, each of whom is in charge of a particular set of products.

The buyer may be constantly buying, but they are not constantly shopping. He frequently makes decisions on behalf of others and only purchases items that the researcher instructs him to.

We are all well aware that there are multiple types of buyer roles and each one of them requires a specific approach. Not all of them give into a cookie-cutter tactic. So, in this blog, we are going to talk about the different types of buyer roles you are most likely to come across and what tactic(s) you should be using for each of them. 

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“The one who ultimately decides whether or not to buy.”

The likelihood that you will close the transaction increases as you get closer to speaking with the decision-maker.

Tactic: If you can’t immediately get in touch with a decision-maker, champions, influencers, and, in some situations, end users, can also assist you in advancing the sale. But ultimately, the decision-maker will remain involved. It just depends on whether you’re speaking to them personally or your advocate is doing it for you.



“Someone with sway over the other committee members.”

An ambassador might not be as fired up about the sale and may not even accept any personal responsibility for making it happen. However, they have some sway over the buying team.

Tactic: Influencers are frequently the users who will use your item on a daily basis. Influencers will be far more operationally and detail-oriented. The bolts and nuts will pique their curiosity. The relationship between the Influencer and the Buyer as well as the vendor they are currently working with must be understood.

You can win the Influencer over if you know how the performance—or lack thereof—affects the Influencer’s capacity to carry out his or her duties.

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Executive Sponsor

“A member of the executive group who doesn’t make decisions but acts as a promoter.”

Executive sponsors may be useful in starting a discussion, but they also may serve as a barrier.

Tactic: Create a strategy to win over other decision-makers and advocates at their organization if they are your entry point into the company. Executive sponsorship alone does not ensure a sale will be complete or that your service or product will be embraced after the sale.



“A person with the power to halt the progress of the sales process.”

Depending on the product or services and your personas, blockers may have various functions within a firm.

Tactic: If you’re trying to sell technology, the person responsible for the company’s tech stack, for instance, may be a roadblock if they don’t think your tool will integrate well with the tools they already use.

Blockers can be challenging to deal with, so being prepared is essential to getting past them. As early as possible in the sales process, you should try to determine whether you’ll be dealing with blockers, and you should also try to find out from your points of contact why they could be opposed to the sale or resistive to any changes in your services or products.

Knowing that can assist you in gathering the data required to go over their concerns and prevent roadblocks from preventing your sale.


“The customer, regardless of whether they participated in the purchasing process or not, who really utilizes your product or service.”

End-users may be unnoticed as people because they do not have a lot of judicial power. A sales process, however, can be significantly impacted by a single end user’s ability to influence a large number of others.

Tactic: End users are crucial for software companies utilizing product-led growth because they are the ones who will promote the use of your solution.

There are situations when a customer has no direct experience with or knowledge of a company’s goods. The tiny business might only be able to sell a portion of the components used to build the finished item.

Small businesses must work hard to satisfy their customers so they continue to do business with them. The best way to do this is to provide excellent products and customer service. In order to continue providing end users with the items they require, small businesses should also stay current with technological advancements.

Overall Approach

Overall Approach

Depending on the service and company structure, every one of these roles might well be filled by a single person, a group of people, or even hundreds of people. With the information that is tailored to their preferences and demands while yet painting a comprehensively cogent image of the product, you must be able to persuade consumers in every buying center.

Both the B2B purchasing process and its outcomes are nonlinear. If they learn new information or see something they haven’t seen before, every individual in every buying process has the potential to influence the ultimate choice at any point. Quality information delivered in an understandable way is the only factor that encourages buying.

“Buyer enablement” refers to the process of giving buyers the knowledge they require to finish their essential purchasing duties. The greatest marketer for a B2B customer is therefore the one who will make the purchasing process simpler. It will be more likely that decision-makers for each buying process will choose to do business with you if you provide them with information that is actually useful.

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Having a Thorough Understanding of Each Buyer Role

You need to have a thorough understanding of the buying centers and their functions for your customers if you want to flourish in this buying environment. Give customers a variety of information according to their purchasing requirements. They will put their trust in you if you help them accomplish their duties properly.

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Always Offer Opportunities for Collaboration

Always Offer Opportunities for Collaboration

Many times, a company’s suppliers are receiving orders from many buyers at the same time. It happens frequently that customers buy particular things, yet each customer places a separate order. The buyer would like to be able to generate an ability to share purchase requests where his products are still under his name but he is trying to save money on handling and shipping by trying to place a shared order with other consumers in his organization, in order to expedite the purchasing process and enhance engagement with that organization.


Depending on what you offer and who you offer to, each of these jobs has a different set of duties and job titles.

You may determine what roles you generally see in the purchasing process and which people perform in those roles by reviewing previous data about your present clients and their sales process. The simplest method to determine the responsibilities you’ll face during any particular transaction, though, is to consult your contact person about the other parties participating in the purchasing process.

Understanding the possible buyer roles reduces uncertainty, aids in better planning your strategy, and streamlines the sales process. Quicker sales cycles and greater win rates follow from that.