Client Success Story
Callbox Delivers Qualified Leads for Workforce Management Solutions Expert [CASE STUDY]

Callbox Delivers Qualified Leads for Workforce Management Solutions Expert

Sales Qualified Leads
Profiled Contacts
Software (Workforce Management)
Austin, TX, USA
Austin, TX, USA
Campaign Type
Lead Generation
Target Location
Target Industries
Any (Website Visitors)
Target Contacts
CIO, CTO, IT Director, IT Manager

The Client

The Client specializes in empowering project workforce locally, and provides visibility globally. They make it possible to manage project workforce in real-time, eliminating the spreadsheets and custom-built applications enterprises use to fill the gaps caused by disconnected systems.

The Challenge

With the volume of traffic the Client’s website gets every day, the Client needed to gather significant information from all its visitors in order to enhance its service offerings. It sought the services of a sales and marketing expert to handle all website inquiries and calls on their behalf and more importantly, qualify visitors and identify their needs so that its sales team can focus more on closing deals.

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