Rethinking Telemarketing and Its Spammy Reputation
Telemarketing is still a useful tool, but it needs to move past the antiquated spray-and-pray tactics to keep up with the changing marketing landscape.
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Telemarketing is still a useful tool, but it needs to move past the antiquated spray-and-pray tactics to keep up with the changing marketing landscape.
A typical telemarketer makes at least 140 live calls and, acquires at least 10 fresh contact emails but do all these guarantee a Lead? Let’s see.
Despite new opportunities brought by new marketing technologies and strategies to every businesses, advertising agencies are facing different challenges.
Find out how we created and employed a ‘5 second to 5 minute” calling process that generated over $350,000 additional revenue or a 40% increase in sales.
Here are the 7 email marketing strategy that help us get more leads and sales.
Here are 10 FREE Digital Marketing ebooks that will help digital marketers get better in their strategies.
So let’s take a look back at our top 5 most viewed, shared and read for 2016.
Overcome these challenges and eventually increase your company’s sales. Here are 5 tips to help boost your IT appointments for the entire 2017.
What trends will continue to spur in the world of marketing in 2017? Here’s a list of some B2B marketing trends to watch out for this year.
It’s better to expect difficult questions from customers in order to be ready in providing them the exact answer they need.
You can even prep up your email list by only doing several moves for a more profitable email marketing plan next year.
The hacks are carefully planned out by the hackers or the marketers to come up with the best growth hacking lead generation ips for businesses.