How to Launch a Lead Generation Campaign


Before launching any lead generation campaign, make sure all involved teams are on board and on the same page. The goals should be clearly defined and applicable to the different parties. The strategies should be in place to effectively be geared toward this similar goal.

To start off, the campaign flow should be outlined carefully. Where does the process start and how will it end? How will you define its success or failure?

Correlate the promotional material, and collateral to be used with the goals

If the goal is to increase leads online, then the promotional material will be correlated to this goal. Most if not all efforts will then be concentrated online. You can start with SEO (to enhance sign ups via the website), email campaigns, online linking campaigns, and even search engine marketing if you’ve got enough money to play with.

Considering outsourcing your lead generation? Choose the top marketing expert to run your lead generation campaign.

Identify different response mechanisms

How do you want people to respond to your business lead-generation campaigns? Will there be a hotline number or do you want to course all campaign responses through your website or maybe a particular email address? These should be outlined carefully so your teams will be well-prepared to entertain incoming prospects and follow through on possible sales. Having more response channels will be to your advantage, although tracking may become a challenge. Liaise with the different departments involved in making it work – those that will receive the clients by phone, email, and website should align with the same spiel, and the same offer.

Related: Top B2B Lead Nurturing Strategies to Close More Deals

Define the marketing message in line with the goal

Position the goal of your messages in the collateral in such a way that it will not be drowned by other content. Make this the focus of the entire piece. This should be the same for all pieces and for all sales lead generation campaigns if you’re doing multiple campaigns at the same time. Also, ensure that everyone involved knows the marketing message – dissemination is key.

Ensure that the user makes the most of your campaign

For the lead generation services campaign to be effective, the user has to enjoy the experience. The campaign should be targeted enough to be appreciated by the right market. The flow of the campaign from ad to landing experience to response acceptance should be smooth and directed towards the goal. This will give your campaign a viral effect. People who appreciate how you’ve marketed your product will talk about it and spread the word. This is priceless marketing. And if you can get a reliable lead generation services provider who will take care of leads for you, you will really reap the rewards.

Once these steps are properly outlined, the campaign should be able to push through without a hitch. These are macro perspectives of any sales lead generation campaign and not designed to sweat the small stuff. But once these are in place, the details will fit perfectly like pieces in a puzzle.