Little Known Ways to Hassle-Free Telecom Lead Generation in Australia

Little Known Ways to Hassle-Free Telecom Lead Generation
  • Getting hold of the right decision maker
  • Sending the right message to the right market and targeting the right audience
  • Product knowledge and training
  • Different people are involved in the decision-making process
  • The different buying stages and how their purchasing decisions are made

These are the common obstacles that every telecom sales reps are facing. Because of the evolving world of marketing, many telecom companies are struggling with their lead generation because of ineffective ways to engage with prospects and acquire leads.

Here are some of the hassle-free ways to generate telecom for your business.

Do your homework.

Before you decide to pick up the phone or send your prospect an introductory email, make sure to research about them. Find out what are the possible problems that they’ve encountered that you can offer a solution? What would they be looking for that you might have?

Related: IT and Software: Mastering Product Knowledge Before your First Sales Pitch

Create a social media campaign.

According to Australian Bureau of Statistics Population Clock, as of July 2017, there are approximately 24.6M Australians. 70% of them are active Facebook users and around 3M monthly are active Twitter users. Buyers spend most of their time researching products through social media.

TIP: When doing social media campaign, don’t just let anyone from your team handle it. Having someone who has experience and is knowledgeable about what she’s doing can do her job well with less supervision and with a faster result. Make the most out of your social media campaign and turn followers into leads.

Related: Twitter Marketing Lessons for IT and Software Marketers

Publish informative contents.

Content marketing is considered traditional marketing. But, according to Demand Metrics, it can generate as many leads as your other marketing campaigns.

TIP: Technology is evolving. So when you create contents, make sure it speaks about the present or the future that can educate your audience. Find out about their current problems and provide tips and solutions on how your prospects can solve them. Start with this guide.


Whether you decide to create your own team or outsource a B2B lead generation company to handle your lead generation campaign, it is important to reach out to your prospects through calling. Telemarketing can help supply warm leads that can be easily converted into sales. You can use telemarketing in different ways.

Follow up prospects who:

  • Have opened your email
  • Have replied to your email (expressed their interest and would like to discuss it)
  • Failed to open or reply to your email and check if they received it.
  • Make calls and provide warm, sales-ready leads for your business.
  • Can update your database while looking for leads.

Related: Follow Up your Inbound Leads with 5 to 5 Calling Rule (and Generate Over 40% Increase in Sales)


Referral selling is the most effective lead generation strategy. Why? A simple word of mouth to a family member, a friend or colleague about your product or service is more likely to turn into a customer because it came from a satisfied customer.

TIP: Focus on providing good customer service. Provide ways on how your customers can contact you whenever they have issues about your product or service.  Better yet, try to reach out to them once in awhile to check if everything’s doing fine. They’ll appreciate it more.

Related: Don’t Just Blast Cold Email Picthes, Nurture and Win Customers [VIDEO]

Marketers would want to reach a wider audience. In order to enhance your lead management and nurturing, it is important to implement not just multi-channel marketing but don’t hesitate to include cross-channel marketing as well. Integrating campaigns that are running individually will help you analyze the effectiveness of every channel – voice, email. Social, web, mobile, and chat of your marketing strategies.