Client Success Story
Callbox Provides Maximum Marketing Support for Talent Management Solutions Leader [CASE STUDY]

Callbox Provides Maximum Marketing Support for Talent Management Solutions Leader

Profiled Contacts
Event Registrants
Software (Talent Management Solutions, Oracle)
San Francisco, CA
San Francisco, CA, United States
Campaign Type
Lead Generation, Data Profiling, Event Marketing, Call-to-Invite
Target Location
Target Industries
Target Contacts
CIO, CTO, IT Director, IT Manager

The Client

The Client is a worldwide talent management leader with experience serving organizations of all sizes. The Client configures talent solutions for specific business needs to dramatically improve business performance. They provide on demand talent management solutions to assess, acquire, develop, and align workforce.

The Challenge

The Client needed to invite prospects to its World conference. Its desired attendees were composed of its current customer base and prospects from all over the US culled from their in-house database.

This global company needed a reliable partner to update and manage its lists and gather pertinent information such as names of prospects, email addresses and phone numbers, company names, addresses and zip codes.

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